More About Me

My name is Bo Wright.  I am from the thriving entertainment capital of the world, Phenix City, Alabama. Like most people here, I was born across the river at the Medical Center.  Could the nurses have known the greatness that entered the world that day?  Possible.  Did they all recognize that one day their daughters would be taught to love by this very babe?  Probably not.

I grew up in Columbus, Ga, raised by two very loving, very hardworking parents who loved all their children equally *cough cough*.  It seems odd now to have grown up in a time with no cell phone, internet or video games with more than 16 bits, but like the pioneers, we somehow survived the harsh times.  I like to think it made us stronger.

I attended Huntingdon College in the bustling metropolis of Montgomery, Al.  Things became easier on people in America by this time.  The internet was coming right along.  Google had just been invented, Napster and music pirating was all the rage, and people were just starting to "burn" cd's for their Sony Discmans.  I graduated with a degree in political science, and I am currently using my knowledge and skills in the political art to manage a Houlihans in Columbus, Ga.  Saving the world from hunger one starving person at a time.

I met and married a lovely young lady named Lindsay.  It didn't work out (because of me being incredibly stupid), but she gave me the best gift anyone has ever given me.  A beautiful little girl.   Well, second best present.....a boy would have been ideal, but whatever.  Her name is Isabelle.  She is only 8 months old and already knows how to signal her frustration through the age-old art of sign language as seen here.  She is my world right the bird before learning to crawl is quite an accomplishment.  She's going to be smart :)
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